ST Telemedia

Sustainability / Good Governance

Good Governance

Good governance is fundamental to supporting sustained value creation. We exercise prudent risk management and hold ourselves and our portfolio companies to high standards of governance and ethics. In doing so, we enable our businesses to pursue market-leading innovation while maintaining operational resilience and safeguarding the interests of all stakeholders.

Responsible Business Conduct and Ethics

A robust corporate governance culture is the cornerstone of all successful organisations. Our track record of value creation is based on our unremitting pursuit for strong governance that enables our portfolio companies to operate efficiently and innovatively. 

ST Telemedia’s Target
ST Telemedia’s Target

Train all employees on our business code of ethics annually

Group Objective
Group Objective

Support our portfolio companies in understanding and applying ST Telemedia’s group code of ethics and other governance frameworks

View our policy statements and guidelines

Cybersecurity and Data Security

In today’s hyper-connected world, we are only as strong as our weakest link. This is why our commitment to cybersecurity, data protection and data privacy is built on forward-looking policies and procedures that are updated continuously in line with international best practices.

ST Telemedia’s Targets
ST Telemedia’s Targets

Adopt a certifiable common security framework, such as HITRUST, across all our operations

Train all employees on data security and cyber security annually

Group Objectives
Group Objectives

Support our portfolio companies in meeting or exceeding ST Telemedia’s cybersecurity, data protection and privacy standards

Steer our portfolio companies to use industry, regional, national and international standards and certifications as benchmarks

Resilience to Disruption

Disruption is a fact of life. It also represents an opportunity to find new ways to strengthen our performance and position for the future. This strategic mindset in managing our businesses ensures that what we do today sets us up for success tomorrow. It also serves as the linchpin for our resilience in the face of disruption, ensuring our ability to emerge stronger through each cycle.

ST Telemedia’s Targets
ST Telemedia’s Targets

Enhance our resilience against events that could impact our operations adversely, including non-diversifiable climate risks

Align our approach with the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework and future needs

Group Objective
Group Objective

Support our portfolio companies in developing robust business continuity plans that incorporate climate risk exposure considerations and go above and beyond minimum regulatory compliance standards